Good Idea to Pay Attention
It is a great day to be alive, and my prayers are that we stay alive and blessed. You have probably been seeing the Department of...
Communication is key. In some situations it may be the difference between life and death. A lot of times our communication with people is...
Seek God’s Vision
Time moves on and doesn't wait on us. If we don't have a vision, then realities create one for us that we might not like. But, as always,...
God Promises
Pamela Hoch helped start the Rachel Foundation, a ministry dedicated to reuniting parents and children who have been torn apart. People...
About Hope
We live during times or uncertainty and little clarity. On one hand we might be prone to go desperate and start panicking unnecessarily....
How to Redeem an Apartment Building
The Wall Street Journal ran an amazing story about a group of investors who redeem gang-infested apartment buildings. (California Firm...
Take It Easy
The most natural desire for us humans is to see that our spouses, children, parents, siblings, close friends, maybe even neighbors or...
Blessings: Pleasant and Not So
We all have understood by now that life is not made up of pleasantries alone. From first cries at birth to last breaths at death we...
He is Willing to Guide You
It is a good idea to have a guide, and the Bible says that we have one: The Holy Spirit. God came to Abram and said, "Leave your...