Mission: Sharing Jesus
Laid before us is a beautiful harvest, and the fields are ripe…
We are determined—as workers in this vineyard—to draw others in this community to our Heavenly Father. Our commitment is to stand firm in our faith, making it an attractive call and appeal. As lights in this world, we will radiate the love of Jesus in our homes, on our jobs, and to everyone we connect with. We will proclaim the message and blessed hope of Jesus, here in Keller and everywhere we go, drawing others into His loving embrace.
Vision: Impacting for the Gospel
We will write the vision and make it plain for all to see…
Our commitment is to being equipped, and to sharing His truths with our families, friends, and neighbors. Sharing that Jesus is alive, and His love reigns supreme in our hearts; that He alone can save us. Our greatest act of love is to reflect His beautiful character .
Values: Caring for Others
It is by our love that we will be known…
We are committed to supporting our church organization as well as the members of this church family. With no expectations of perfection, we accept one another where we are, as we are, growing together in His grace. We will provide a place of healing through the love of Jesus, meeting those hurting and seeking where they are. We accept this charge, enthusiastically. “Our hearts hear the cries of the world, and we are determined to move our feet to answer.”